The Plantsim Farm Challenge

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Plantsim Farm Challenge - Playtesting commences

Here is the first couple of weeks of my playtest.

I started Mason on a 5x5 lot. He spent about $2500 for stuff then I family funded him down to $500 to start the crops with. So he used more than the $1500 that the largest lot would have left him, but less than the $4800 that the 5x5 lot left in his account.

So this is my farm huh? Doesn't look like much...why is there a tent? The real estate agent said she would bring a few things out here for me. Better see what I've got.

OK, I get it, the shack has a beat up old fridge and the toilet. There could be room for a bed, but I will use the tent for now.

Oh, let me introduce myself! I'm Mason Gardener, Cancer, Fortune/Knowledge Aspiration. I am attracted to Logical Redheads. Not into costume makeup though. I just bought this farm and I'm going to make it profit! I don't have much money after buying this place and I'm sure the real estate agent included all these goodies in the cost.

Speaking of that I had better get started on the "farming" part. I wish I had more than tomato seeds, but I can get more variety later.

Hard work builds up an appetite. Glad to have the grill for some hot food.

Figures a bunch of guests would come over right when I make dinner! I thought I was far enough out of town to avoid social gatherings! These are probably all the other bored locals and I'm the best entertainment they have had in months. That redhead is kinda cute...I wonder if she is single. Did I mention that I like redheads?

Her name is Sadie Bruenig...Bruenig? Where have I heard that name before? Can't place it but something about that name makes me uncomfortable... Oh well, more important she is single!

After eating my dinner for me everyone headed for the fishpond. I pulled Sadie aside and had a chat with her. Hey she likes unemployed guys! Perfect! And we are friends already!

She didn't slap me for flirting!

I said goodbye to everyone else and asked Sadie on a date! Heheh, great date huh? Grilled hot dogs and toasting with water in plastic champagne glasses. Sadie doesn't seem to mind so I'm counting myself a lucky guy!

Next day: Yesterday with Sadie was great! The date wasn't spectacular, but it was great. She left really late and I overslept this morning. I let the weeds get ahead of me. I think I will try fishing once I get these weeds gone.
I caught and sold 5 boots and a teeny little catfish...I hope the fishing prospects get better! My cooking skills need some improvement too! I caught my grill on fire. Glad the real estate agent thought to place a fire alarm.

After that I need some friendly socializing. I think I greeted Sadie a bit too enthusiastically, but she didn't run screaming...hehe! In fact she agreed to spend the night.

Ah, love over breakfast cereal. Watch out I'm the last of the great romantics! Sadie and I became best friends while fishing, chatting, playing kickybag and sleeping the night away. I was a gentleman I swear!

She is a good match for me, let's see if she agrees.

She agrees! We are getting married right away. Not much time for fancy stuff, I have to get this farm going and Sadie understands. She brings $2400 with her and I have her put it away for a season. We haven't known each other long so I can leave her money alone to gain her trust.

We are getting into a routine. She fishes, I farm, we eat, chat, clean up and sleep. We have sold enough fish to add on to the shack and buy a few comforts. Not much but a few. The 3x3 shack is now an 8x8 shack.

The farming is getting tough with the bug infestation in the tomato patch. I added some cucumbers & strawberries. I know it's really late in the season, but I need a big crop if at all possible.

*Sigh* The tomatoes look sad! They seem tasty though and I don't think anymore watering will help, time to harvest. Maybe there is enough time to replant? I need to spray the strawberries again there are more bugs. What's that sound?

Sadie is getting sick!? I hope she didn't eat some bad fish!

What's happening?! I just finished planting a second crop of tomatoes and started spraying the bug infested strawberries.

I feel a plant...I can understand the garden plants now. I need some water. I hope Sadie isn't mad about this.

I now know that the plants don't really like this stuff, but I have to get rid of the bugs.

Sadie isn't mad about my becoming a Plantsim, she didn't have food poisoning either. She is pregnant! What a day for mutual surprises.

Sadie is getting great at fishing and already had a bronze fishing badge when I met her.

I had to use the money from some fish sales to put in a small pool. It's the easiest way for me to rehydrate quickly and stay in the sun at the same time!

Hooah! I sold half the tomatoes for $660, that puts my total income over $1000.
That sunlamp was expensive, but it really helps me through the nights. I can get the orchard trees that I was saving for later. It's officially winter now and I feel the need to move slower now. The sun isn't as strong and I dry out faster so I am spending most of the daylight hours in my pool. I only read for fun in the evenings since it's hard to concentrate on studying.

Sadie is in labor! Already? Will she be OK? Will the baby be OK? Is it a boy...a girl? What to I do? Levitate? Shriek like a sissy?

It's a boy! Named Kirk, he has all my coloring...or what used to be my coloring.

Sadie puts Kirk in his little bassinet, he falls right to sleep.

I need to get back into the pool for a few more hours.

Sadie needs rest.

Kirk is being a good baby and letting her rest for now.

I join Sadie at the table while she eats her veggieburger dinner. It's just about the only time of day we can connect right now. The rest of the time there is always something needing to be done.

The pond finally froze during the night. Winter is half over and I was wondering if it would ever freeze. Not that I'm has been nice fishing the last couple of days.

I splurged on another luxury. It's a relaxing passtime at night since I have it placed close enough to the sunlamp.

It snowed on our little secondary tomato crop. I hope the plants can hold out in this cold. Maybe I should put a shelter of some sort over them? We can't order greenhouse parts yet, but maybe I can rig something...

Kirk is a happy baby after he is fed. Sadie is a good mother and is already hoping for more children.

Just before this big snowfall I managed to rig up a cover for the tomatoes. We are limited in the amount of supplies we can get now so this is the best I can do.

I really don't paint very well yet. My first painting went for only $11. I was a bit upset for a while over that. I guess I just need to practice. I have the evenings I guess, at least while Winter lasts.

Even with my reduced abilities right now, I can help take care of Kirk.

He loves this.

We got this florists bench as a Christmas gift for the family. I handle Kirk for a few hours in the late afternoon for Sadie so she can work on arrangements.

The tomatoes have survived and are tasty ripe again! We end up with 238 tomatoes. I sold half for $1309. That will help get Kirk a few things he will need soon.

I can't believe that it's Kirk's birthday already.

Here is my little guy! His personality is almost the same as mine too, just a chip of the old block!

We need a bit more money for bills and a toy or two for Kirk. Sadie has maxed creativity so I will let her sell a great painting. Winter is almost over. Our anniversary is coming up and we can take her money out of saving so add a room on for Kirk, before he gets too much older.

This is where I'm at right now. Thanks for reading and comments are welcome!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Plantsim Farm Challenge

Plantsim Farm Challenge

This is sort of a hybrid challenge centering on Plantsims and Farming.

Getting Started:

Create your founder in CAS male or female; personality and aspiration (all your choice)
Tip: Custom skintones aren't forbidden, but some will not let the Plantsim skin show up properly so choose carefully. Custom default replacements for Plantsim skin are okay.

Buy a farm. You have a choice of the 3 largest lot sizes: 5x4, 4x5, 5x5, and 5x6. (See scoring for more info on lot sizes)

Extra 4 points if you have all 4 seasons in your neighborhood. Extra 2 points if you replace winter with an extra summer season.

Building is unrestricted for the first 7 days, after that you can only get so many supplies delivered and can choose only one of these options per day. You can’t combine any:

  • 5 basic construction units, i.e.: deck, wall, greenhouse wall, window, door, etc.
  • 2 staircases of any type.
  • 1 driveway or garage section/door.
  • 8 garden plots.
  • 3 of any other buyable items of any combination. (Garden, Furniture, Appliances, Bathroom, etc.)
  • With a few exceptions: flower seeds can be ordered by mail so flowerbeds are unlimited.
    Roofs, wallpaper and paint are also unlimited and you can apply as needed whenever you choose.

Once your Sim is on the Farm you must plant 8 garden plots and build a fishing pond immediately. Pre-building is allowed to create the pond without cost.

No greenhouses are allowed until second generation reaches childhood. The challenge officially starts once your Sim becomes a Plantsim! Plantsim transformations are permanent. No Plantopic-C is allowed!

Making a Living: Your main goal is to survive solely off the Farm.

The income from the Farm comes from the produce (Fruits & Veggies only) that you sell through buy mode. Keep track of these sales separately from any other income. There is a useful mod that I will allow to make selling and inventory control easier: The Fruitbowl of Awesomeness!

Don't sell too much! In fact you must stock your fridge and juicer with half of your harvest. The above mentioned Fruitbowl can be used as an additional storage device and helps with the juice recipes.

You can’t buy groceries, order Pizza or Chinese food. The food that comes with the first refrigerator you buy should get you started. After that, all food must come from the farm. If you must buy groceries to avoid starvation, then you lose 2 points. (The loss is caused by the long trip into the nearest town to the grocery store.) Upgrading to a larger refrigerator will not lose you points. It must be an upgrade though, buying a smaller or same size fridge is the same as buying groceries and you will lose points. You are not allowed to sell the old (smaller) refrigerator, put it in inventory or give it away.

You live too far from town to open a home business. Fishing & Crafting are allowed and can be sold through buy mode, but they don't count toward the Farm income.

Your distance from town affects jobs too. Only one adult Sim per generation can hold a job outside of the farm. As soon as the worker is Elder they must retire.

Pets don't work away from the farm; they have a job to do right there at home!

Teens have different job rules. The family can't afford to send more than one teen per generation to Uni. The college bound Teen can hold a job only until they get the scholarship then they must leave for Uni immediately. Once all the Uni career rewards are collected then you no longer need to go to the expense of sending teens to Uni. You must use the Family Funds cheat to dispose of the 20K handout that the returning student brings home. (IRL students would be paying off a loan...not getting 20K handed to them on a platter!) Items brought home from Uni can be used but not sold for cash.

You may not put up Dream Catchers, Dig for Treasure or use the Genie Lamp.

You can keep Humble's computer if you want, but must wait until the first winter season to set it up. The first growing season is too busy for playing with computers. You cannot sell the computer, put it in inventory or give it away if you choose not to use it.

Once you have a greenhouse, size and use are unlimited except for the Talk to...Option during the winter. Winter crops just aren't as high quality, even in a greenhouse.

Plan for the Future:

You need to produce at least one regular heir for each generation (not spore).

As a plant your Sim is compelled to reproduce on a certain schedule, just like all plants do. Every 7 days your Plantsim must grow a Plantbaby. Plantbabies are a by-product of plant life; they aren’t true heirs and can’t inherit, they must also move out on their own within 48 hours of becoming adult.

NOTE: Plantsims can still reproduce after aging to Elder. They must still produce offspring until either their first heir becomes a Plantsim, or he/she dies of old age. If a 7th day lands in winter you can choose to delay the Plantbaby until the first day of spring, then resume the 7 day schedule.

Regular spares can stay if they choose, but if they become Plantsim, they too must leave the lot within 48 hours. The only way more than one adult Plantsim is allowed on the lot for more than 48 hours are if they are Spouses, or are the Parent of the current heir-turned-Plantsim. Once the heir is married and has produced and heir of his own, the spares must move out as soon as they are able.

Aspiration choices as children become teens (or adults in the case of Plantbabies) roll a 6 sided dice:

  • 1 – Wealth
  • 2 – Knowledge
  • 3 – Family
  • 4 – Romance
  • 5 – Popularity
  • 6 – Pleasure Seeker

You do not have to roll for any of your Sims secondary Aspirations, those can be your choice.


Your founder and heirs must meet and marry townies or NPC's. No Playable or CAS created spouses please.

You can keep whatever cash the spouse brings to the family, but there is a prenuptial agreement and you cannot touch the majority of your spouse's money for the first week of the marriage. To do this, you purchase as many "Apple of the Eye" statues as you can with the amount they brought in and put them in his/her inventory for a week before selling them back again. (They MUST be in inventory for that week) If it doesn't add up perfectly the spare money can be considered a wedding gift and is usable right away.

If there are any other items in their inventory they cannot be sold...ever. They can be used on the lot or given away to children moving out or neighbors that come to visit.

Going Places...Meeting People...or not:

You are not allowed to Call a Taxi or Walk to Lot, once again you live too far from town. If your family has gained enough income to purchase or restore a car then trips can be made off the farm no more than once a week.

You are not allowed to hire a Gardener, Repairman or Nanny. Any other Service NPC's are allowed but you must tip them $25 or more, for their effort to travel so far out of town.

As a result of the natural diet your Sims are immune to the effects of elixir. Cowplant elixir only works once per Sim then they become immune to it too.

You may not use Cheats besides MoveObjects to move stuck objects.

Custom Content in the form of recolors are allowed. Also allowed are Custom "Shabby" items, i.e.: Crate Furniture, peeling wallpaper, substandard plumbing, etc. These could be priced below base game items to reflect their shabby condition, but not $0 and must not have any mod characteristics. No cheap beds with the comfort & energy ratings of the most expensive.

EDIT: If you want there is one modded item that you can use, since I do and won't give it up, lol! The sailboat toddler pool in THIS SET will raise a Plantbaby's water needs so they don't have to resort to eating flowers. Just a useful item that makes sense and therefore I don't consider it a cheat.


Keep track of the Farm income separate from any other income. When the family has sold $500,000 in produce the challenge is completed.

1 Point for each generation that has a Plantsim. A generation only earns this point if there is a Plantsim in it. It doesn’t matter whether it is your heir or their spouse who becomes the Plantsim. Again Plantbabies produced on the lot cannot count as an heir.

Tip: You could even have both become Plantsims if you want, but keep in mind their breeding cycles, both of them will have to grow Plantbabies on schedule.

  • 1 point per Plantsim.
  • 1 point for each Garden Club member in the family.
  • 5 points for earning the wishing well. (Points count one time only)

Points for lots:

  • The 4x5 & 5x4 lots do not earn any bonus points.
  • The 5x5 lot earns 10 bonus points.
  • The 5x6 lot earns 15 bonus points.

1 point per thriving Orchard tree (one time - count at the end of challenge)
-1 point for any garden plant or tree that dies. (Including flowerbeds)
-1 point per needs failure, i.e.: passing out, peeing themselves
-1 point per aspiration failure resulting in Shrink visit.
-5 points per child taken by Social Worker.
-1 point for Repo Man visit.

Impossible wants are worth 1 point each.

Only one per Sim allowed unless they have a secondary aspiration. Then they can earn a second one according to their secondary aspiration.

Platinum Graves and Ghosts are the same as in Legacy rules.

1 point for every platinum grave marker.
½ point per ghost color.
1 point per 25 bottles of unused elixir of life.
1 point for a complete set of mounted fish & boot from your pond. (One set only)
1 point per Sim who maxes their One True Hobby. (Must still be maxed at time of death to count)
½ point per additional maxed Hobbies.

The last heir must be able to trace family tree directly back to founder.


For an additional 25 bonus points there is the Extreme play. No outside jobs for adults or pets. Teen job rules no longer apply and no one is allowed to go to Uni. One Elder per generation can get an "Elder" job to help out since they are too old for the punishing labor of the farm work. This disables the ability to earn career rewards as well.

Clothing cannot be purchased at a store. Family members must wear what they grow up in, use hand me downs from older siblings & parents, or use the sewing machine to make new clothes. Extra 5 points per generation that earns a gold sewing badge. Only counts once per generation.

Plantsims must spend "Dormant" time in the winter. Because of the poor quality of the winter sunlight they don't have the energy to skill or craft. They must be sent to swim in the pool during the strongest daylight hours between 8 am and 4 pm. The rest of the day they can use a computer, paint at an easel, read (not study) or tend greenhouse crops(winter greenhouse rules apply).

Fast Play: If you are a weekend player or want a quicker challenge. Here are a couple of changes:

Instead of a Generational challenge, it becomes a Money challenge & you are a farmer that wants to leave his children the best inheritance that he can. Challenge ends when founder dies.

All rules still apply except for these overrides:

  • 1 point per $10,000 worth of produce (fruits & veggies) sold by the farm. (Instead of a set amount to earn, see how much you can earn in a single generation).
  • Point values for Hobbies are doubled: 2 points for maxing One True Hobby & 1 point for any additional maxed Hobbies.
  • 1 point per family member still living in house at time of Founder's death. (Adult Plantbabies are not required to leave and are sterile and unable to reproduce.) Max 8 points - 10 if have pets. No mods to increase family size.

Hopefully this doesn't copy anyone else's challenge idea too much!

About Me

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Im happily married to a wonderful man that spoils me rotten. I enjoy creating nice recolored items for Sims 2 and share them on the MTS2 website.